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A4 Deodorant

Deodorant style products have become an indispensable product group in full of busy and fast-paced lifestyles.
A4 Deodorant group provides a feeling of cleanliness throughout the day with refreshing and beautiful scents.
We have put A4 deodorants on the market with 6 different varieties (Chocolate, Blue, Enjoy, 2 different Oudh fragrances and Aqua) in 150 ML packages
with trendy fragrances of fashion deodorants.

A4 Shaving foam

Shaving foams have become one of the indispensable products for men these days.
Shaving foam makes the skin slippery, easier to shave and prevents skin irritation.
A4 shaving foams are put on the market in 200 ml packages with 4 different types (Active, Energy, Gold and Cool).

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